“the story of a girl with a heart full of faith…
… but a life full of monsters”
One Life.
One God.
Two marriages.
Call me Beaf.
This is my life. Every page you’ll read is a chaos of emotions, a dance between doubts and faith. I have baggage ya’ll, and i’m tired of carrying it. Here goes.
I know God, i do everything i know to do right! Like no porn, masturbation, gossip, i enjoy my Word and pray everyday. I have a blazing love for my King, Jesus. I dwell in His presence. However, I am on my second marriage, for good reason. And this time i did it the correct way! Right? We pray daily, and we both heard the voice of God say this is it! But the enemy is after it more fiercely than even the first. This marriage i covenanted to the Lord.
Now…if you didnt know before, hear it here first - Life. Is. Spiritual. And the devil wants to prevent and pervert marriage, cause divorce, ensure children are not raised under the banner of Christ with two parents, and keep you and yours living hand to mouth. Why? - God has some pretty outrageous blessings for both individuals and kingdom marriages (Jeremiah 29:11). The devil is out to steal them from you in the most aggressive way, because now he has to make it on his own after his fall. And he hates that God gave us what he always wanted, but was never created for - God’s divine image. He will not tire…until you wake up and fight back! I don’t know about you, but i am fighting back. Everything in me wants to run, hide, save myself from this second marriage (details later), but now i know enough not move an inch outside of the will of God. So i’m searching for what that is.
So if you think the GAME is rigged too, and you don’t want to be oppressed and robbed any longer - walk with me as i work it out with Jesus (whatever the outcome). Watch Him take the proverbial wheel for all eyes to see. Because despite life’s most formidable giants, the story ends with just us; Jesus and Beaf, hand in hand at the end of the valley of the shards.